
Green hydrogen economy Schleswig-Holstein

Schleswig-Holstein is to play a pioneering role in Europe in the production, distribution and use of green hydrogen. In order to utilise the potentials and to accelerate the transition to economic applications, a strong alliance between politics and industry is necessary. On behalf of the Ministry for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature (MEKUN), the State Coordination Office for the Hydrogen Economy has been established at WTSH GmbH. It will support stakeholders in Schleswig-Holstein in the search for suitable funding opportunities, promote the transfer and networking of knowledge and expertise, and also make the market ramp-up visible to the outside world.

On our interactive overview map for hydrogen projects in Schleswig-Holstein, in addition to the infrastructure, hydrogen projects are primarily shown in their various phases: In development, In the ...
Quickly and easily find the right funding programme for hydrogen projects in Schleswig-Holstein. With our funding guide, we offer you an overview of suitable programmes from the state, the federal ...
The image video, the launch event, the Hydrogen Strategy.SH - in our media library you will find videos, articles and information material about the LKS and green hydrogen made in SH. ...


Friday, 17. January 2025 from 10.00 to 11.30 o'clock
Wednesday, 29. January 2025 from 08.15 to 18.00 o'clock
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Open funding programmes

Mit den nach dieser Förderrichtlinie gewährten Zuwendungen soll die internationale Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet des erneuerbaren Wasserstoffs und seiner Derivate sowie der Aufbau von Importrouten nach Deutschland gefördert werden.
Die europäische Wasserstoffbank (EHB) dient dem Ausbau der Erzeugungskapazitäten für erneuerbaren Wasserstoff im europäischen Wirtschaftsraum
Das Energieforschungsprogramm setzt die Leitlinien für die Energieforschungspolitik des BMWK in den kommenden Jahren.

Contact us

Annika Erichsen
Head of Hydrogen Economy Schleswig-Holstein Coordination Centre
Phone: +49 431 66 66 6 - 835
Landeskoordinierungsstelle Wasserstoffwirtschaft schmal
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